eh sumpah deh sumpah masa yaaa liburan ini gue ga ngapa2in aseeeeeeeeem ! bosennya amit amit daah kerjaan gue cuma OL smsan OL smsan tidur yah bgitulah seterusnya dan itu smua harus tetap brjalan smpe tanggal 13 juli oke gue ulang SAMPE 13 JULIIII brp minggu lagi cobaa? bukan satu minggu bukan juga 2 minggu TAPI 3 MINGGU ! omg gilaaaaaaaaa tahanan apa ini namanya.ya sebenernya sih ada rencana mau liburan bareng sama gesha and family hopefullu jadi ya ya ya? pokooknya gue pengen kluar rumaaaah malah cowo gue lagi di jakartaa ga bisa jalaan deeh :( miss u sooooo :) eh tadi kamar gue diberesin loooooooh (ga penting) intinya kamar gue udh kembali seperti semulaaa ALHAMDULILLAH hahahha akhirnya gue ga tidur di tong smpah lagi melainkan di iastana yg sungguuuuuuuuuuuuuh indah (lebay) INTINYA KAMAR GUE UDH DIBERESIN! (iya itu aja)
to gesha : geshaaa jd doong ya ke hatyai nyaa gue bosen gesh di rumaah :( jadi ya jadi yaaa?
to galih : i miss u soooooooooooooooooo much cepetan balik yaa sayaaang? hehe
to eleve elf : hey guys, i miss u soooo bad huoooooooooooo nyesel deh ga ikut BBQan kemareen adain lagi doong hehe eh ntr kan bbrp org udh msiah dr kita kita ga boleh somboong yeay ! GA BOLEEEH
seriously, i miss galih sooo much :( banget banget banget deh pkoknyaaaaa kangen kamu bangeeet ! jangan bandel ya disanaaa kalo urusan udh slsai balik lagi ya ke KL hehe
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
when i was a little girl
hahaha ya diatas foto gue pas masi keciiiiiiiiiil banget, foto-foto gue temui di laci akmar nyokap gue pas gue mau nyri hp gue yg lamaa gue liet2 dan gue berkata "siapa ini?" dan gue baru nyadar itu memang gue krn nyokap gue ga punya anak lain selain gue hahaha ya trus gue liet2 deh tu foto, eh nyokap gue bilang dulu gue paling ga bisa liet kamera kalo liet kamera pasti pngen gaya truss (aduh malu gue sumpeee) sebenernya si masi banyak lagi foto2nya cuma kalo difoto pke hp hasilnya burem jadi ya ga gue masukin. trus kan trus kan nyokap gue juga bilang kalo gue dulu pas bayi smpe 3 kali gitu gnti baby sitter katanya sih pada ga tahan ngejaga gue yang rewel bangeet kalo malem2 haha mereka ngeluh gitu karna tiap malem harus nina boboin gituuu trus mereka minta ganti deeeh tapi ad alooh yg berhasil ngediemin gue kalo gue rewel bangeet gue ga tau namanya siapa tapi ada tuh fotonya diatas yg pake baju putih. kata mama cuma dia yg berhasil ngediemin gue kalo gue rewel malem2 (bravooo mbaaak) trus ternyata gue smpe umur 4 tahun msi pke baby sitter looooooh ngapain cobaaaaa masa katanya gue pas umur 3 thn makan masi smbil di gendoong buseeet dah manja amat ya guee ya pokoknya tdi gue senyum2 gitu liet foto gue aduuuuh -_-
Sunday, June 21, 2009

iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa itu hasil dari looklet, yg diatas itu gue yang bikiiin looooh.udh pada tau kan looklet itu apaaaa?ya semacam web buat mengembangkan kreatifitas kalian dalam gayaaa gitu deeeeeh . aneh?ga juga kooo seru abis malahan gue aja drtd siaanng ga brenti2 hahaha ga ada kerjaan? bener bangeeet smenjak liburan ini gue emang ga ada kerjaan selain OL, smsan, OL, smsan. cepetan deh masukk biar gue beraktivitas lagiiii sumpah dirumah gue kyk tahanan. ya ga juga siiih hahaha seriusan gue pngen cepet2 masuk bosen gue dirumaah tapi ntar insyaAllah rencananya gue mau liburan bareng Gesha doooooong ke hatyaaai, udh brapa kali ya gue ke hatyai lebih dari 6 kali laah tapi ga pernah bosen2, udh tau gue ini shopaholic eh malah diajak ke hatyai yowis semua gue borooong deeeh, (eh eh dev sadar kayanya lo td ngomongin looklet deh. ) iya iya balik lagi ke looklet, jadi siapa aja yg pngen ngembangin bakatnya ato bercita2 jd designer yaa usahain bikin account di looklet inii asli looooh -_-
Saturday, June 20, 2009
haaaappy :)
seriously, i'm so haaaaappy why why why? hahaha
jadi critanya gini, si galih kan mau dateng ke sekolah ada TUTAP PENSI trus skalian bagi rapot gitu, tapi gue tunggu2, galih ga dateng2 jugaaaa dan akhirnya gue sms dia pake hp nyokap guee (iyaa pke hp nyokap guee) nyokap gue gatau loooh kalo gue jadian sama galih eh tiba2 galih nelfon dia bilang dia bales sms ke hp nyokaaap gue whaaaaaaaaaaat?! sriusan gue td bner2 gemeteran gue udah takut bangeet gitu nyokap gue marah2 sama gue, malah abis itu bagi rapot mampus ajaa kalo tiba2 nilai gue ancur pasti yang disalahin gue krn pacaran truuuus -,- tapi pas gue minta hp nyokap gue, nyokap gue ngomong gini "siapa ni dev?bls sms pke yang2an?" too late. telat gue minta hp nyokaap gue udah keburu dibaca dluan sama dia aduuuh gue harus jawab apa pas dia nanya itu akhirnya gue ngaku aja itu galih. eh nyokap gue malah nyolek2 ga jelas -,- ya gue langsung cabut dari situ. trus trus pas udh mau ngambil rapot gue langsung nemuin nyokap gue di hall sekolah trus gue bilang mau ngenalin nyokap gue ke galih, gue langsung nunjuk galih yang mana trus galih nyamperin abis itu nyalam nyokaap gueee eh nyokap gue senyum2 gituu trus ngomong2 deh sama galih trus nyokap gue pamit ke galih mau ngambil rapot guee trus pas di jalan mau ke kelas, nyokap gue ngomong gni "pinter juga kamu nyari pacar, handsome jugaaa" -_______________________- sial gue kira gue bakal dimarahin gituu. oke satu ketakutan telah berlalu, abis itu giliran gue mikirin nilai guee dan kali ini beban gue bukan cuma nilai tapi jurusan IPA OR IPS? daaan tiba2 Galih S bilang kalo gesha juara 1, gue juara 2, dan Galih S sendiri juara 3 tapi gue masih ga percaya gue mau liet sndiri takutnya kalo udah seneng2 gitu eeeeeeeeeeeeehh malah beda sama yang diharepin..1 menit, nyokap gue juga masih belom turun, 2 menit, masih juga belom turun, 3 menit, yaudah gue tunggu disini aja, 4 menit, ya ampuuuun gue ga sabaaar, 5 menit, ah samperinnnn aja deeeeh
oke akhirnya gue nyamperin nyokap gue ke kelas eh ternyata nyokap gue lagi ngomong sama gesha di tangga dan nyokap gue bilang gue rangkinnng 2 alhamdulillah ya Allah ternyata benaaar ya gue seneng trus gue salam nyokap gue trus gue minta izin buat nonton PENSI sampe jam 2 yaudaaah gue nontoooon aseeeeek ah hahahaha alhamdulillah mama udh kenal galih, udh setuju trus mama bangga sama nilai gue thanks Allah :)
jadi critanya gini, si galih kan mau dateng ke sekolah ada TUTAP PENSI trus skalian bagi rapot gitu, tapi gue tunggu2, galih ga dateng2 jugaaaa dan akhirnya gue sms dia pake hp nyokap guee (iyaa pke hp nyokap guee) nyokap gue gatau loooh kalo gue jadian sama galih eh tiba2 galih nelfon dia bilang dia bales sms ke hp nyokaaap gue whaaaaaaaaaaat?! sriusan gue td bner2 gemeteran gue udah takut bangeet gitu nyokap gue marah2 sama gue, malah abis itu bagi rapot mampus ajaa kalo tiba2 nilai gue ancur pasti yang disalahin gue krn pacaran truuuus -,- tapi pas gue minta hp nyokap gue, nyokap gue ngomong gini "siapa ni dev?bls sms pke yang2an?" too late. telat gue minta hp nyokaap gue udah keburu dibaca dluan sama dia aduuuh gue harus jawab apa pas dia nanya itu akhirnya gue ngaku aja itu galih. eh nyokap gue malah nyolek2 ga jelas -,- ya gue langsung cabut dari situ. trus trus pas udh mau ngambil rapot gue langsung nemuin nyokap gue di hall sekolah trus gue bilang mau ngenalin nyokap gue ke galih, gue langsung nunjuk galih yang mana trus galih nyamperin abis itu nyalam nyokaap gueee eh nyokap gue senyum2 gituu trus ngomong2 deh sama galih trus nyokap gue pamit ke galih mau ngambil rapot guee trus pas di jalan mau ke kelas, nyokap gue ngomong gni "pinter juga kamu nyari pacar, handsome jugaaa" -_______________________- sial gue kira gue bakal dimarahin gituu. oke satu ketakutan telah berlalu, abis itu giliran gue mikirin nilai guee dan kali ini beban gue bukan cuma nilai tapi jurusan IPA OR IPS? daaan tiba2 Galih S bilang kalo gesha juara 1, gue juara 2, dan Galih S sendiri juara 3 tapi gue masih ga percaya gue mau liet sndiri takutnya kalo udah seneng2 gitu eeeeeeeeeeeeehh malah beda sama yang diharepin..1 menit, nyokap gue juga masih belom turun, 2 menit, masih juga belom turun, 3 menit, yaudah gue tunggu disini aja, 4 menit, ya ampuuuun gue ga sabaaar, 5 menit, ah samperinnnn aja deeeeh
oke akhirnya gue nyamperin nyokap gue ke kelas eh ternyata nyokap gue lagi ngomong sama gesha di tangga dan nyokap gue bilang gue rangkinnng 2 alhamdulillah ya Allah ternyata benaaar ya gue seneng trus gue salam nyokap gue trus gue minta izin buat nonton PENSI sampe jam 2 yaudaaah gue nontoooon aseeeeek ah hahahaha alhamdulillah mama udh kenal galih, udh setuju trus mama bangga sama nilai gue thanks Allah :)
Friday, June 19, 2009
soooooooooo nervous
yeaah i'm so nervous haha
causee, yeah everybody knows that tomorrow is the hardest day and the most nervous day for SIK's student, the report will be given to our parents tomorrooooooooooooooooow. my dearest Allah i hope tomorrow will be okaaaay. i just want to make my parents especially my mum proud of me.
Mama, you'll see. insya Allah all of my marks are better than before, and you'll proud of me..AMIN AMIN AMIN YA ALLAH :)
causee, yeah everybody knows that tomorrow is the hardest day and the most nervous day for SIK's student, the report will be given to our parents tomorrooooooooooooooooow. my dearest Allah i hope tomorrow will be okaaaay. i just want to make my parents especially my mum proud of me.
Mama, you'll see. insya Allah all of my marks are better than before, and you'll proud of me..AMIN AMIN AMIN YA ALLAH :)
a true story created by Galih (chapter 2)
eventhough he liked her, but he still wanted her to be with the guy. He intended to bring them together again. But on the other side, he would feel jealous. But he didn't care about that. After that he asked about the guy which she wrote in her blog. But she said that it was nobody. But Galih knew that the one in her blog was him, but he pretended that he didn't know about that. On the next day, when Galih was about to reply Devi's comment, he saw a comment from Indra. It said how is he going? . It gave him an idea to made her say about the true identity of the guy she meant in her blog. But everytime Galih asked about the guy, she kept telling that he was nobody. Obviously, it made him felt annoyed.
to be continue---
to be continue---
Thursday, June 18, 2009
no idea
i've no idea with this situation :(
it makes me curious about've changed a lot, hahaha
(ps : bukan galih yaa)
it makes me curious about've changed a lot, hahaha
(ps : bukan galih yaa)
a true story (created by galih)
created by galih
posted by me
This is a story of Galih's first love life. One day, there was a guy named Galih. He just graduated from international school and wanted to enter an indonesian school in Malaysia. The first day of school he didn't talk quiet alot. He talked only when it's needed.Nothing was special in the first two months. Then the month of Ramadhan came. This is when everything started. In the middle of ramadhan one of his (galih) friend (dewi) told him that someone likes him. But he just ignored and said "that girl must be sick" . Day by day had past, and everyday dewi told him that the girl likes him and it makes him curious about her.
The next day, Galih asked Dewi about that girl. But dewi said that the girl didn't want Dewi to tell her identity, but Dewi told him that the girl in year ten, she wears vail and she takes KTM from Serdang. Luckyly, Galih got a friend in year ten, his name is Ega. On the next day Galih told Ega about that girl. Galih told every informations to Ega. After that, Ega gave him a name. her name is Devi. So the next day, Galih asked Dewi whether the name of the girl is Devi or not. But Dewi just kept quiet. But somehow Indra heard their conversation. Then he started saying all kind of nonsense. The school hours has finished and every student went out from the building. Galih, Indra and Irfan were standing in front of the building and from a distant, there were four girls walking towards them and suddenly Indra told Galih that Devi is one of them, so Galih took a look at them and looked at their face carefully. The next day, galih asked Ega about how does she look like. Luckyly, she was in the same train, so Ega showed him immediately. One day before the school days over, Galih and Indra came to school just for fun. Suddenly Indra got a phone call from someone and then asked Galih to follow him to the toilet. After that Indra went out from the toilet then followed by Galih. Then while Galih was just about leaving the toilet someone called him. he was shocked when he knew that the girl who called him was Devi. Without looking at him, she gave the novel. On the way to go back home, Galih asked Indra about someone who called him a minute ago. He said that it was from Devi (devi said : that phone call wasn't from meeeeeeee, salah info ni yee hehe). Therefore she asked Indra to asked Galih to follow him to the toilet just to give the novel. She gave the novel and saying something without looking at him and after that she just went away, that was the first time she talked to Galih. When the night came, Galih and all his friend went for the night prayer. After prayer they went to a pizza stall to get some pizzas. But suddenly, Galih got an sms. He was shocked that the person who sent him an sms was Devi, he thought that it was from his parents. Then a little chat happened. Nothing was special about their sms. then Devi didn't reply his sms, he thought that she was asleep, so he put his phone and went to sleep. Then after 2 weeks holiday, he came to school as usual. One night when he was studying he got an sms from Ega said that he wanted Galih's MSN. Without thinking to much Galih gave his MSN. On the next day, Galih was studying as usual. Suddenly he got an sms from Devi. He was a bit shocked and wondering what was she up to. Then she asked him to go online. But at first he rejected her request because he was studying at that time. But he said that he would be online around 9 to 9.30 pm and she said "ok". Then at 9 o'clock she sms him again and asked him to go online, then he said 'ok'. It happened almost every weekend. One day she told him about her problems with someone. At first Galih just wanted to help her, but he became to have feeling of her. But once that feeling gone she always kept reminding him. Until one day she went to far and that was the first time he realized that she would stay in his heart. But he didn't want to show that he likes her, because he didn't sure whether she really likes him or not. One day, she asked him to checked out her blog. he didn't know what the blog was. So he just obey to what she was up to. He checked out her blog, but suddenly she asked him to stop. She said that there was something in there. It made him so curious about that. On the next day, he asked her whether he could check her blog once more. Luckyly, she said "ok". While he checking her blog, he starting to know what her problem was. Then when he checked her previous blog, he found something that has made him felt guilty all the time.
to be continue-------
posted by me
This is a story of Galih's first love life. One day, there was a guy named Galih. He just graduated from international school and wanted to enter an indonesian school in Malaysia. The first day of school he didn't talk quiet alot. He talked only when it's needed.Nothing was special in the first two months. Then the month of Ramadhan came. This is when everything started. In the middle of ramadhan one of his (galih) friend (dewi) told him that someone likes him. But he just ignored and said "that girl must be sick" . Day by day had past, and everyday dewi told him that the girl likes him and it makes him curious about her.
The next day, Galih asked Dewi about that girl. But dewi said that the girl didn't want Dewi to tell her identity, but Dewi told him that the girl in year ten, she wears vail and she takes KTM from Serdang. Luckyly, Galih got a friend in year ten, his name is Ega. On the next day Galih told Ega about that girl. Galih told every informations to Ega. After that, Ega gave him a name. her name is Devi. So the next day, Galih asked Dewi whether the name of the girl is Devi or not. But Dewi just kept quiet. But somehow Indra heard their conversation. Then he started saying all kind of nonsense. The school hours has finished and every student went out from the building. Galih, Indra and Irfan were standing in front of the building and from a distant, there were four girls walking towards them and suddenly Indra told Galih that Devi is one of them, so Galih took a look at them and looked at their face carefully. The next day, galih asked Ega about how does she look like. Luckyly, she was in the same train, so Ega showed him immediately. One day before the school days over, Galih and Indra came to school just for fun. Suddenly Indra got a phone call from someone and then asked Galih to follow him to the toilet. After that Indra went out from the toilet then followed by Galih. Then while Galih was just about leaving the toilet someone called him. he was shocked when he knew that the girl who called him was Devi. Without looking at him, she gave the novel. On the way to go back home, Galih asked Indra about someone who called him a minute ago. He said that it was from Devi (devi said : that phone call wasn't from meeeeeeee, salah info ni yee hehe). Therefore she asked Indra to asked Galih to follow him to the toilet just to give the novel. She gave the novel and saying something without looking at him and after that she just went away, that was the first time she talked to Galih. When the night came, Galih and all his friend went for the night prayer. After prayer they went to a pizza stall to get some pizzas. But suddenly, Galih got an sms. He was shocked that the person who sent him an sms was Devi, he thought that it was from his parents. Then a little chat happened. Nothing was special about their sms. then Devi didn't reply his sms, he thought that she was asleep, so he put his phone and went to sleep. Then after 2 weeks holiday, he came to school as usual. One night when he was studying he got an sms from Ega said that he wanted Galih's MSN. Without thinking to much Galih gave his MSN. On the next day, Galih was studying as usual. Suddenly he got an sms from Devi. He was a bit shocked and wondering what was she up to. Then she asked him to go online. But at first he rejected her request because he was studying at that time. But he said that he would be online around 9 to 9.30 pm and she said "ok". Then at 9 o'clock she sms him again and asked him to go online, then he said 'ok'. It happened almost every weekend. One day she told him about her problems with someone. At first Galih just wanted to help her, but he became to have feeling of her. But once that feeling gone she always kept reminding him. Until one day she went to far and that was the first time he realized that she would stay in his heart. But he didn't want to show that he likes her, because he didn't sure whether she really likes him or not. One day, she asked him to checked out her blog. he didn't know what the blog was. So he just obey to what she was up to. He checked out her blog, but suddenly she asked him to stop. She said that there was something in there. It made him so curious about that. On the next day, he asked her whether he could check her blog once more. Luckyly, she said "ok". While he checking her blog, he starting to know what her problem was. Then when he checked her previous blog, he found something that has made him felt guilty all the time.
to be continue-------
Friday, June 12, 2009
true friend
true friend? yeah, in this post i'll write some definition about true friends, some definiton i copied from a website not copying actually but rewrite (sama aje ya)
everyone know that true friends are really hard to find.
my definition about true friends : true friends are person who always support you, someone that is going to be there for you no matter what.Someone you can talk to about anything, anytime day or night even if they have moved away and you will do the same for them.
everyone know that true friends are really hard to find.
my definition about true friends : true friends are person who always support you, someone that is going to be there for you no matter what.Someone you can talk to about anything, anytime day or night even if they have moved away and you will do the same for them.
A true friend is a little more than a very good friend. A true friend will support you even if it hurts her own interest. A true friend will come forward to help without any request and be with us in need without showing it or expecting anything in return.
galih and his new hair
one day,
place : school
time : morning laah
baru hari ini gue smangat banget mau ke skolah. di dalam otak gue cuma ini " aseek daah ada galih" hahaha lebay emang tapi ya bgitulah cinta :) -,-
terus terus pas gue nyampe gesha ngomong "lo udh liet galih?" gue bilang mana. dia nunjuk trus gue langsung kesana dan gue liet dia dengan rambut barunya ya emang sih di webcam udh liet tapi gue belom secara live.
yang pertama muncul di otak gue "mengapa rambutnya sudah tidak gede lagi?"
yang kedua "gue ga bisa bilang galih cowo sunsilk lagi"
yang ketiga "ahh mengapa rambutmu dipotoong jadi udh ga kayak changcut lagi"
itulah yg ada dipikiran gue walaupun gue lebayin sedikit. sikit jeeee tak banyaakk
tapi ni ya kalo diperatiin rambutnya galih yang dulu sama yang sekarang bagusan yang ini lebih fresh gimana gitu. tapi gue juga suka rambutnya yang gede dulu itu (gede ya gal?:D) abisan bisa gue jambakin, gue tarikin, gue pelintir2 apa deeeeeeh ga ah boong ko
ya intinya gue tetep suka sama rambut dia model apapun itu hahaha tapi asal jangan botak yeee jadi kan tujuan galih motong rambut itu buat wawancara di ITB gitu kaaan eh ternyata wawancara nya ga adaaaaa aduuuuh kasian deh luu :D nyesel deh potong rambuut tapi gapapalah muka galih jadi lebih fresh gitu dengan rambut barunya yang dibanggakan olehnya itu (ga bangga juga sih hehe) aseeek ah rambut baru
place : school
time : morning laah
baru hari ini gue smangat banget mau ke skolah. di dalam otak gue cuma ini " aseek daah ada galih" hahaha lebay emang tapi ya bgitulah cinta :) -,-
terus terus pas gue nyampe gesha ngomong "lo udh liet galih?" gue bilang mana. dia nunjuk trus gue langsung kesana dan gue liet dia dengan rambut barunya ya emang sih di webcam udh liet tapi gue belom secara live.
yang pertama muncul di otak gue "mengapa rambutnya sudah tidak gede lagi?"
yang kedua "gue ga bisa bilang galih cowo sunsilk lagi"
yang ketiga "ahh mengapa rambutmu dipotoong jadi udh ga kayak changcut lagi"
itulah yg ada dipikiran gue walaupun gue lebayin sedikit. sikit jeeee tak banyaakk
tapi ni ya kalo diperatiin rambutnya galih yang dulu sama yang sekarang bagusan yang ini lebih fresh gimana gitu. tapi gue juga suka rambutnya yang gede dulu itu (gede ya gal?:D) abisan bisa gue jambakin, gue tarikin, gue pelintir2 apa deeeeeeh ga ah boong ko
ya intinya gue tetep suka sama rambut dia model apapun itu hahaha tapi asal jangan botak yeee jadi kan tujuan galih motong rambut itu buat wawancara di ITB gitu kaaan eh ternyata wawancara nya ga adaaaaa aduuuuh kasian deh luu :D nyesel deh potong rambuut tapi gapapalah muka galih jadi lebih fresh gitu dengan rambut barunya yang dibanggakan olehnya itu (ga bangga juga sih hehe) aseeek ah rambut baru
Thursday, June 11, 2009
do you remember?
do you remember when we were playing hide and seek at ground floor?do you remember when we were 10 years old (or 11 maybe :) )
if you ask me that i'll answer OFCOURSE I REMEMBER and i'll never forget it. i'll never forget our childhood guys :) i love you and i miss you all sooooooooooo much i miss mama dewi,papa iwan ahh they're my second parents. mama dewi asked me to love her like i love my mum. yeah mama dewi i love youu so much. i remember when shasa and arvel cooked their favourite fried rice then the stove was !@#$%^&*() (crazy). then shasa ran to her room with her WTD face*what the :)* now, they left me here :( and i don't know when we'll meet again I DON'T KNOW. I used to spent my time at shasa's house, ohhmyy i miss that time so much..
you know what sha? i miss you so bad
keke,sisi,aji,arvel,vito,demi i miss you all (special to demi : asem lo haha)
if you ask me that i'll answer OFCOURSE I REMEMBER and i'll never forget it. i'll never forget our childhood guys :) i love you and i miss you all sooooooooooo much i miss mama dewi,papa iwan ahh they're my second parents. mama dewi asked me to love her like i love my mum. yeah mama dewi i love youu so much. i remember when shasa and arvel cooked their favourite fried rice then the stove was !@#$%^&*() (crazy). then shasa ran to her room with her WTD face*what the :)* now, they left me here :( and i don't know when we'll meet again I DON'T KNOW. I used to spent my time at shasa's house, ohhmyy i miss that time so much..
you know what sha? i miss you so bad
keke,sisi,aji,arvel,vito,demi i miss you all (special to demi : asem lo haha)
ngeyel itu ada untungnya
alkisah di sebuah stasiun KTM ada dua 2 eh 3 eh 4 bocah eh ga tau gue lupa blah blah blah
udahlah Tothepoint aje. jadi gini tadi kan gue,dhini,fathia,gesha,hannan dkk pergi ke rumah bu ellin trus disana makan spaghetti gitcyuuh trus maen sama azizi, oke yg mau gue critain bukan yang itu tapi yang ini
jadi kan mau balik naik ktm trus ke stasiun segambut gitu nyampe sana mau blei tiket abis beli tiket gue ngerasa auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus bangeet, eh trnyata si dhini bilang ada coca cola gitu (mesin tapi) trus yaudahlah gue sama dhini langsung ke mesin itu trus kata dhini harus pake koin gitu krn tanda buat uang kertas nya merah (biasanya warna-warni gitu kali ya) tp gue ngeyel aja tetep bisa pake uang kertas. trus terjadilah dialog ini :
DD (dhiniduta)
DD : ga bisa pake uang kertas lah
gue : bisalaaah ininya di teken dulu (smbil nunjuk ke tombol buat milih minumannya)
dan gue pun langsung neken tuh tombol dan ga lama kemudiaaan gue mndengar ada sesuatu yang jatuh sperti duren yang jatuh dari pohon inangnya dan itu merupakan simbiosis? (iya gue tau itu ga nyambung) balik ke topik lagi.
gue ; eh apaan tu?
gue langsung liet ke tmpat buat ngmbil minumannya dan ternyata apakah kalian tau apa yang saya lihat di tempat itu? tau ga ? tau ga? tau ga? GUE NGELIET ADA SEKALENG CINCAU gue udh bengong aja gitu prasaan tadi gue belom masukin uangnya deeh, gue cengo seketika -,- eh beneran looh gue belom masukin uangnya sama sekali gue aja pake ngeyel ke dhini haha tapi kata dhini itu rezeki tapi gue masih takut aja buat minum halal haram halal haram halal haram gue masih nanya2 gitu ke dhini trus kata dhini rezeki ituuu trus dia minta 20 sen gitu dari gue katanya kalo dpt rezeki harus naro 20 sen ya bukan wajib 20 sen gitu siiih brp aja asal naro. jadi misalnya lo nemu uang 10 ringgit di jalan trus lo boleh ambil uang itu trus taro 20 sen tapi kalo mau naro 50 ringgit juga gapapa ko itung-itung amal.
jadi kesimpulannya adalaah :
Dhini beli coca-cola seharga 1.50 sen
dan devi beli cincau seharga 20 sen sahaje
tadi gue juga ngomong ke dhini gini "tau gini gue tadi nekennya bukan yang cincau deh"
udahlah Tothepoint aje. jadi gini tadi kan gue,dhini,fathia,gesha,hannan dkk pergi ke rumah bu ellin trus disana makan spaghetti gitcyuuh trus maen sama azizi, oke yg mau gue critain bukan yang itu tapi yang ini
jadi kan mau balik naik ktm trus ke stasiun segambut gitu nyampe sana mau blei tiket abis beli tiket gue ngerasa auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus bangeet, eh trnyata si dhini bilang ada coca cola gitu (mesin tapi) trus yaudahlah gue sama dhini langsung ke mesin itu trus kata dhini harus pake koin gitu krn tanda buat uang kertas nya merah (biasanya warna-warni gitu kali ya) tp gue ngeyel aja tetep bisa pake uang kertas. trus terjadilah dialog ini :
DD (dhiniduta)
DD : ga bisa pake uang kertas lah
gue : bisalaaah ininya di teken dulu (smbil nunjuk ke tombol buat milih minumannya)
dan gue pun langsung neken tuh tombol dan ga lama kemudiaaan gue mndengar ada sesuatu yang jatuh sperti duren yang jatuh dari pohon inangnya dan itu merupakan simbiosis? (iya gue tau itu ga nyambung) balik ke topik lagi.
gue ; eh apaan tu?
gue langsung liet ke tmpat buat ngmbil minumannya dan ternyata apakah kalian tau apa yang saya lihat di tempat itu? tau ga ? tau ga? tau ga? GUE NGELIET ADA SEKALENG CINCAU gue udh bengong aja gitu prasaan tadi gue belom masukin uangnya deeh, gue cengo seketika -,- eh beneran looh gue belom masukin uangnya sama sekali gue aja pake ngeyel ke dhini haha tapi kata dhini itu rezeki tapi gue masih takut aja buat minum halal haram halal haram halal haram gue masih nanya2 gitu ke dhini trus kata dhini rezeki ituuu trus dia minta 20 sen gitu dari gue katanya kalo dpt rezeki harus naro 20 sen ya bukan wajib 20 sen gitu siiih brp aja asal naro. jadi misalnya lo nemu uang 10 ringgit di jalan trus lo boleh ambil uang itu trus taro 20 sen tapi kalo mau naro 50 ringgit juga gapapa ko itung-itung amal.
jadi kesimpulannya adalaah :
Dhini beli coca-cola seharga 1.50 sen
dan devi beli cincau seharga 20 sen sahaje
tadi gue juga ngomong ke dhini gini "tau gini gue tadi nekennya bukan yang cincau deh"
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
haha i'm back. udh brp lama ya gue ga posting aduuuh biasalah sok sibuk ya ga sii -_-
nuansa blog gue kali ini yellowy knp gue bilang yellowy? karena kalo full of pink kan pinky jadi kalo full of yellow jadi yellowy -.- *jayus mampus lo preeto
oiaaa gue bru slsai ulum hasilnya lumayan bagus dan so far ga ada remed tapi gue trauma sama nilai kimiaaaaaaa gueeee aduh aduh biarpun ga remed angkanya ga ngenakin bangeet haha gesha trauma sama geo, dan gue trauma sama kimia -.- yasudahlah lupakan tentang ulum lupakan tentang kimia yg bikin gue trauma setengah idup *gue jadi gila krn kimiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa alamak
gue barusan nekat makan duren doong alhasil sekarang pusing funfzig keliling !@#$%^&* tapi mau gimana lagi gue baru nyadar kalo duren itu lumayan enak -_- ah sudahlah udah ga tau lagi mau nulis apa guee haha btw td ujian jerman soalnya seru juga :)
nuansa blog gue kali ini yellowy knp gue bilang yellowy? karena kalo full of pink kan pinky jadi kalo full of yellow jadi yellowy -.- *jayus mampus lo preeto
oiaaa gue bru slsai ulum hasilnya lumayan bagus dan so far ga ada remed tapi gue trauma sama nilai kimiaaaaaaa gueeee aduh aduh biarpun ga remed angkanya ga ngenakin bangeet haha gesha trauma sama geo, dan gue trauma sama kimia -.- yasudahlah lupakan tentang ulum lupakan tentang kimia yg bikin gue trauma setengah idup *gue jadi gila krn kimiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa alamak
gue barusan nekat makan duren doong alhasil sekarang pusing funfzig keliling !@#$%^&* tapi mau gimana lagi gue baru nyadar kalo duren itu lumayan enak -_- ah sudahlah udah ga tau lagi mau nulis apa guee haha btw td ujian jerman soalnya seru juga :)
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